Microphone Man David Bock On Episode #148 Of My Inner Circle Podcast

David BockDavid Bock is the founder of Soundelux Microphones and Bock Audio and there are few people as obsessed or knowledgeable about microphones as he is.

His mics exude quality, not only in the way they sound but in the build quality. Put one up against a cheap Chinese clone and it becomes obvious very quickly.

Every time I speak with him I learn something new, and you will too, as we get into a deep discussion about new versus NOS tubes, the peak years of microphone design, and how Neumann’s flat in 1960 is different from the flat frequency response of today.

In the intro I’ll look at why many artists are complaining about the Grammy’s not caring enough about a young audience, and the 50th anniversary of both SIR and Clair Brothers.

You can listen to it at bobbyoinnercircle.com, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

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