A Bernard Purdie Ghost Note Lesson

Bernard Purdie ghost notes One of the greatest drummers ever is Bernard Purdie thanks to his unique “Purdie Shuffle” and the countless hits he’s played on with James Brown (“Get On The Good Foot”), Aretha Franklin (“Rock Steady”), Steely Dan (“Babylon Sisters” and “Home At Last”), Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, and so many others. Bernard’s trademark is the ghost notes (drum hits played at a very low volume) he plays on both the high hat and snare, which sets his style apart from all but a few others.

His style has influenced everyone from Led Zeppelin (“Fool In The Rain”), The Police (“Walking On The Moon”), Toto (“Rosanna”), and Death Cab For Cutie (“Grapevine”) among many others.

Here’s a great video where he shows where that distinctive Bernard Purdie style comes from thanks to his ghost notes.

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