Cloning Vintage Knobs

Boy, do we love vintage gear. The problem is that often when we get that long lost gem home we find that a few parts are missing, and the easiest to lose over the years are knobs. That’s usually not a problem though as replacement knobs, even vintage ones, are readily available today. But what if there’s one that’s so unusual that you can’t find it anywhere? The video below will show you how to clone it yourself.

The ingredients used aren’t specified in the video, but they are:

Smooth-On Mold Star 15 Slow Silicone Mold Rubber

Smooth-On Smooth Cast Onyx Fast Black Casting Resin

Smooth-On Universal Mold Release

FastCap 2P-10 CA Glue (Medium Viscosity)

General Tools Automatic Center Punch

None of the ingredients above are expensive on their own, but put them all together and it’s expensive just for one knob, which is why Wesley Treat cloned a number of them at the same time. That said, if you need just one to complete an otherwise perfect piece of gear, it’s all well worth it.

By the way, the Wesley Treat channel is well-worth checking out for cool DIY projects that you probably won’t find anywhere else.

Thanks to Kenny Hall for the heads-up on this!

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