Engineer Eric “Mixerman” Sarafin On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Eric Mixerman SerafinEngineer Eric Sarafin has had great success with artists like The Pharcyde, Tone Loc, Ben Harper, Lifehouse, Barenaked Ladies, Amy Grant, and Foreigner, among many others.

He’s a great engineer/producer, and certainly deserves all the accolades that he’s received for that, but you might know him better for his writing under the name of Mixerman. His hilarious Daily Adventures of Mixerman book is a must read for anyone in the business, as are his Zen and the Art of Mixing, Zen and the Art of Producing and Zen and the Art of Recording books.

We had a great talk that covered a whole range of subjects covering the music business, engineering, relocating to Asheville, NC, and much more.

On the intro I’ll talk about the new YouTube study that has the music industry all riled up, and how music affects your brain chemistry.

You can listen to it at, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

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