Singer/Songwriter And Tech Maven Beatie Wolfe On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Beatie Wolfe in Nokia Bell Labs Anechoic Chamber by Theo Watson (23)Beatie Wolfe is an excellent singer/songwriter with 3 albums and an EP under her belt, but she’s also on the cutting edge of tech and how it’s incorporated into the musical experience.

Beatie’s first album 8ight featured a unique 3D interactive album, her Montegu Square album featured a one-off musical jacket and the world’s first deck of playing cards using NFC technology, and her latest endeavor Raw Space has Beatie streaming her album in full 360 degree 3D augmented reality from the anechoic chamber at the famous Bell Labs.

When she’s not performing in front of her fans, Beatie can be found presenting to some of the biggest players in Silicon Valley. That said, her songs harken back to a golden age when music was made in the studio with the idea of playing it live later. You’ll enjoy this fascinating conversation with a fascinating artist.

On the intro I’ll talk about how a new category of company in the music business is being created before our very eyes – the mini-major. I’ll also talk a little about the use of sound canons used to quell riots and ward off ship pirates.

You can listen to it at, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

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