AES President-Elect David Scheirman On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

David ScheirmanIt’s fair to say that AES president-elect David Scheirman is a live sound expert, since he’s done everything from mixing bands like America and Electric Light Orchestra to designing sound systems for the New York Philharmonic and the Atlanta Olympics. He’s also spent time on the manufacturing side as well in executive positions at JBL and now as director of global concert and rental business at Bose.

It wasn’t an easy trek though, and David shares some excellent stories about getting started in the business that shows his tenacity on this week’s podcast. We also speak the differences between sound systems and mixers today versus 20 years ago, and take a look at what the sound systems of the future might be like.

All in all, this is an excellent interview that you don’t want to miss.

On the intro I’ll look at the ideal video length for various social media platforms, and the new implants that are helping the hard of hearing by connecting directly to an iPhone.

You can listen to it at, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

Enjoy the show!

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