L-ISA Studio With Guillaume LeNost, Facebook’s Lost Young Users, And Metallica’s Band Course On My Latest Podcast

Guillaume LeNost image

My guest on the podcast this week is Guillaume LeNost, who started in the R&D department at L-Acoustics in 2009 and has risen to Managing Direct in the UK.

He’s also in charge of the company’s Creative Technologies division, which includes development of the L-ISA immersive audio system.

Prior to that Guillaume researched industrial environmental noise and binaural synthesis (in which he received his PhD), and spent time in audio for gaming space.

During the interview we spoke about the L-ISA Studio spatial audio package, how artists are thinking of immersive audio right from the beginning of a project, spatial audio translation from headphones to a playback system, L-Acoustic’s Blue Space, and much more.

On the intro I’ll take a look at Facebook losing new users, and the future of bands

Remember that you can find the podcast at BobbyOInnerCircle.com, or either on Apple PodcastsStitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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