Songwriters Get A Raise, A New Kind Of Loudspeaker, And James Dickerson Of HitSend On My Latest Podcast

HitSend mix approval on Bobby Owsinski's Inner Circle Podcast

If you’ve ever tried to get an approval on a mix from someone, you know how hard that can get. You want them to hear it in all its glory, yet you don’t want to send the high-res file without getting paid first. Plus, getting notes that make sense can be a real chore.

That’s what my guest on the podcast this week, James Dickerson, has solved with his new service called HitSend.

HitSend allows you to share a project with a client, receive timecoded feedback so you know exactly where to make changes, receive final approval and even get paid before the files are released to clients. 

HitSend works with files of any audio resolution, and with multiple payment vendors like Stripe, Paypal, Venmo and ApplePay, as well as a number of bookkeeping and invoicing solutions like Freshbooks, Quickbooks and Wave. It even works internationally allowing you to create invoice s with 97 different currencies and accept payment from over 135 countries around the world.

During the interview we talked about the difficulty about asking to get paid, the importance of integrating different payment solutions, making revision notes easier, and much more.

I spoke with James via zoom from his office in Salt Lake City.

On the intro I’ll take a look at songwriters getting a royalty raise, and a new kind of paper-thin loudspeaker.

Remember that you can find the podcast at, or either on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, StitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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