Indie Week Founder Darryl Hurs, Playlists Control The Industry, And Audio Consumption On My Latest Podcast

Indie Week's Darryl Hurs on Bobby Owsinski's Inner Circle Podcast

On my latest podcast episode:

  • Indie Week (November 8 to 12) founder Darryl Hurs talks about the advice that led him to change careers, getting a job with Live Nation, the biggest mistake indie artists make, trends in the indie world, and much more.
  • How playlists are now controlling the music industry without anyone noticing
  • A look at how music people consumer their music, and why they want wireless earbuds

Listen to it the at, or on Apple Podcasts, Amazon MusicStitcherMixcloud, Google PodcastsSpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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