Mixer Andrew Scheps, Renaming Rock, And Elvis Weddings In Vegas On My Latest Podcast

Mixer Andrew Scheps and Bounce Factory on Episode 425 of Bobby Owsinski's Inner Circle Podcast

My guest on the podcast this week is Andrew Scheps, who’s won 3 Grammy awards and mixed huge hits for Adele, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Beyonce, Jay-Z, U2 and many more.

Andrew has also spent quite a lot of time mixing in Dolby Atmos lately, and his tutorials on the subject are some of the best available.

He’s also spent a lot of time working on audio apps and plugs, creating  his Scheps 73EQ and Parallel Particles in collaboration with Waves, and most recently, his own Bounce Factory.

Bounce Factory is an extension to Pro Tools that allows you to automate every aspect of the bouncing process in order to escape the drudgery of exporting alternate mixes and stems.

During the interview we talked about consumer adoption of Atmos, the origins of Bounce Factory, how his mixing has evolved, using less parallel compression, and much more.

I spoke with Andrew via zoom from his studio in the UK.

On the intro I’ll take a look at trying to change the name of a music genre, and the end of Las Vegas Elvis weddings thanks to copyright infringement.

Remember that you can find the podcast at BobbyOInnerCircle.com, or either on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, StitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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