New Music Gear Monday: Process.Audio Decibel Metering Plugin

Process.Audio Decibel plugin on New Music Gear Monday on Bobby Owsinski's Music Production Blog

Being able to measure the audio signal is essential to a great sounding recording and mix, and for that we refer to a wide variety of meters. There are so many different types of meters that it’s often confusing what you should use, as well as where and when. Even when we do have that critical information sussed, the meters available to us may not be easy to read or convenient to use. Process.Audio intends to change all that with their new Decibel metering system that’s unlike any other that you’ve ever encountered.

Everything You Can Think Of

Decibel makes available 10 different meters that you can use in any combination. The first is what they call Super Meter which is a totally unique way to see the three most important measurements of your sound; loudness (LUFS), dynamics (TrueDyn), and peaks (True Peak). The outer rim displays short-term measurements within a 3-second time span that provides a real-time feel of your music, whereas the inner rim displays integrated measurements from the beginning of your recording. There are a lot of LUFS meters on the market, but I think this one is the easiest to read. Plus, the dynamics portion of the meter is pure gold, as that’s much more important that LUFS in many cases.

But that’s just the beginning. Decibel also has a standard LUFS meter, a LUFS histogram to show you the levels across the length of your program, a standard VU meter, a frequency analyzer, a standard digital peak/RMS meter, a phase scope, and a stereo cloud imager. There are also a couple more that you don’t often see. The Target Validator is perfect if you have to deliver at a certain loudness level loudness. The (LUFS) target will light up in blue when your material settles at the desired LUFS level, or will light up in red if the level is exceeded. 

The last meter isn’t really a meter at all. If you feel that the constantly undulating meters area distraction, you can have just the numbers appear in a Number Box.

Totally Adjustable

Here’s the best part about Decibel – it can be customized just about any way you want. You can use only the meters you want, where you want and at the size and color that you want. Some of these modules might fit your workflow while others won’t. That’s okay, just use the ones that work for you.

Plus, you get unlimited real time displays. Connect it to as many mobile devices (iOS / Android) as you want for a scalable studio metering setup either via Wi-Fi or USB, all with no latency.

Process.Audio’s Decibel will be $149 but right now has an introductory price of just $89. Yes, there’s a 30 day free trial available. It’s Mac and PC compatible, and works on all popular DAWs.

Find out more here, or watch the video below.

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