Dirk Ulrich From Brainworx And Plugin Alliance On Episode #132 Of My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Dirk UlrichDirk Ulrich is the founder of 2 great music plugin companies, Brainworx and Plugin Alliance, but his journey into software development involved an extensive stint as a studio owner and producer first.
In this interview, we talk about some of the company’s very cool plugins, Dirk’s outlook on the future of plugins, as well as why the company is heavy into Mid/Side technology.
On the intro we’ll look at the latest growth numbers that the music business is celebrating (they’re really good for a change), and the fact that two big audio companies that everyone has heard of and experienced, DTS and THX, have both been acquired by larger companies outside the music business.
You can listen to it at bobbyoinnercircle.com, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.
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