- in Production by Bobby Owsinski
New Music Gear Monday: Slate Digital Submerge Auto Sidechain Compression Plugin
Whenever someone asks me about sidechaining I usually describe it as a bandaid for when you need track separation but nothing else works, the idea that good mixing fundamentals will overcome the need to use it. That may be true for some types of music, but in genres like hip-hop and EDM, the sidechain is used more to give it a certain “bouncy” feel that is difficult to achieve any other way. It’s somewhat of a pain to set up traditionally though, and that’s why the new Submerge plugin from Slate Digital is so cool. It provides an automatic sidechain compression effect without having to actually trigger from another track.

The Parameter Controls
Submerge has three different trigger modes: Auto Trigger, which is synced to the tempo of the track, MIDI Trigger, and Audio Trigger, which triggers from another source so the plugin acts like a normal sidechained compressor. On the top right, Threshold determines the level when the triggering occurs, and Delay (which is a unique feature) delays the onset of the trigger action, giving your track a more dramatic bounce effect.
Below that you’ll see a Control Curve display with three different modes: Natural, Extreme and Special. This is basically looking at the attack and release of the compressor, and it’s adjusted by the Morph and Depth controls below the display so you can dial in how the compressor reacts and the amount of the effect.
To the right you’re able to select 8 type of effects for different ducking and pumping functions. These include Gain M/S, High Duck, Low Duck, Sample Rate, HP Filter, LP Filter, HP+LP Filter and HP-LP Filter. These can then be further adjusted with the large Tweak control.
Of course there are Input and Output level controls and meters, along with a number of custom presets.
Submerge works on both Mac and PC and all plugin formats. It’s available with a perpetual license for just $49, but you can also get it for free with an All Access Pass and Complete Access Bundle subscription. You can find out more here, or watch the video below.