Building The “World’s Second Best Speakers”

World's second best speaker image

All of us have embarked on a do-it-yourself project from time to time, sometimes out of necessity when money is tight, sometimes to try to improve a piece of gear we already own, and sometimes just for fun. If that describes you, here’s a project that you might want to try building – something that’s dubiously called the “World’s Second Best Speakers.”

This video comes from Tech Ingredients, a website and YouTube channel that embarks on a number of tech DIY projects (most are not audio) that teaches a lot about physics as it goes along.

In the video, the principles of transmission and horn-based speaker systems are demonstrated, and you’ll also see a nifty home-built anechoic chamber in operation.

If these are the world’s second best, what are the “World’s Best Speakers” you might ask? You can find that here, but keep in mind that both of these are definitely the opinion of Tech Ingredients. I’m pretty sure you won’t be finding these in a studio any time soon. Even so, it’s a pretty good video with some great explanations.

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