Category Archives for "Production"

MIDI 2.0 Is Almost Here

MIDI changed music creation in so many ways when it was introduced, but you hear less about it these days thanks to virtual instruments and so much music making in the box. That said, it’s still a very important tool, especially if you want your DAW to talk to outside instruments. Even though MIDI might […]

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In Session With Al Schmitt

Al Schmitt Session on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

The work of Al Schmitt is and always has been the gold standard for recording engineers. Capturing the natural sounds going down in the studio isn’t always easy, but Al is the master and makes it look a lot easier than it looks. Here’s a great video which shows Al prepping a big band session. […]

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Do You Hear Yanny Or Laural?

You probably looked at the title of this post and thought I lost my mind so early in the new year, but actually there’s a very interesting acoustic phenomena that’s been going around where some people hear the word “Yanny” while others hear “Laural. Let’s give it a try. If you heard “Yanny” like I […]

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