Music Will Be Taken Over By Drones, Not Robots

I’ve posted here a lot in the past about music made by various robots. Some of it was pretty good, some of it was marginal, but all of it was amazing in terms of the programming required. Same goes for artificial intelligence – there are some results that are totally acceptable in certain situations and other results that are pure drivel. Here’s some robot music that’s a little outside the box in that it’s made by robots, but these robots are all flying drones!

Here’s a presentation developed by a team from KMel Robotics (now part of Qualcomm Technologies) for the USA Science Festival. It sounds a little “robotic” at first, but give it a chance as it gets more musical as it goes along.

I think my favorite comment about the video came from op2hudson who wrote, “This is what it will be like when robots have taken over. They will mock us by playing our music.”

Drones are pretty commonplace today and they can no doubt do more than what we see in this video, as it was created 5 years ago! Still pretty cool though.

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