Eric Gaskell Talks Graphene Audio And DIY On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Eric GaskellMy guest on this week’s podcast is Eric Gaskell, who’s really an interesting guy. He started in the business as a violin player, but soon took a left turn into audio electronics that led to a Phd from McGill University.

While teaching at McGill, he noticed that there were no good high-quality mic preamp kits available for students to put together, which led to the creation of his company GKL Audio (check out their cool products).

But that’s not all. Eric also holds a patent on using graphene for acoustic transducers, and his company Ora Graphene Audio is a leader in using the material for loudspeakers of all kinds. You’ll enjoy his insights on the many subjects we discussed.

On the intro I’ll talk about how Spotify just settled a lawsuit against it for not paying songwriting royalties, and – has the world gone mad with connectivity? You’ll wonder when I talk about the Bluetooth salt shaker and speaker.

You can listen to it at, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

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