Music Licensing Guru Joyce Kettering On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

My guest on the podcast this week is Joyce Kettering, a composer who became so successful licensing her music that she did the thing that so many dream about – she was able to quit a very good day job as a financial auditor and just dedicate herself to music.

What makes this story even better is the fact that Joyce lives in Paris, yet most of her library and film placements have come from the United States.

Joyce has also developed a great course that outlines everything you need to know to not only get started with licensing your music, but to be successful at it as well (you can sign up for her free webinar on April 2nd here), and we discuss that on the podcast.

We also talk about writing with licensing in mind, marketing your music to libraries, and how quicker can sometimes be better, among many other composition tidbits.

On the intro I’ll look at how Russian hacking and the Cambridge Analytica scandal is changing how we market ourselves and our music on social media, and the great year the music business just had, according to the RIAA.

You can listen to this podcast episode at, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

Enjoy the show!

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