- in Production by Bobby Owsinski
YouTube Copyright Mistakes, Losing 50 Million Songs, And Producer Zubin Gadhoke On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

My guest on the podcast this week is Zubin Gadhoke, who’s a co-founder and producer for Olympus Projects, which is a management and consulting agency that provides artists with help in the day-to-day operations and development of their businesses.
In the interview we talked about artist branding, building social authority, creating a new industry sound, the power of SoundCloud, and much more.
The intro takes a look at the YouTube’s frequent copyright mistakes, and a formerly huge social network that lost 50 million songs.
Remember that you can find the podcast at BobbyOInnerCircle.com, or either on iTunes, Stitcher, Mixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Deezer, and now RadioPublic.