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5 Ways To Make Money On YouTube, Recordings In The National Registry, And Wellness Coach Katie Zaccardi On My Latest Podcast

Katie Zaccardi image

My guest today is Katie Zaccardi who’s a songwriter, artist, music industry professional, and certified yoga instructor.

Through her work in both music and wellness along with her own experience with a generalized anxiety disorder, Katie discovered the urgent need for conversation surrounding mental health and self care within the music industry.

Through her Out To Be Coaching platform, Katie  supports artists and professionals with a personalized approach centered on cultivating positive actions and attitudes. Her Out To Be Podcast invites listeners to engage with insightful dialogue on all things wellness and their relation to working in music.

During the interview we spoke about how imbalances in the body can contribute to anxiety, foods that cause inflammation, dealing with burnout when there’s no end in sight, some signs of depression and anxiety that you might be missing, and much more.

On the intro I’ll take a look at the 5 ways to make money from YouTube, and the latest recordings entered into the National Registry.

By the way, there’s also a new look to the podcast website as well as transcripts to episodes too!

Remember that you can find the podcast at BobbyOInnerCircle.com, or either on iTunesStitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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