Winter NAMM 2020 Overview On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Winter NAMM 2020 image

This week on the podcast I take a quick look at the recent Winter NAMM 2020 exhibition that just finished in Anaheim.

NAMM was certainly different this year as it felt renewed and actually had its first buzz-worthy product in a long time.

During this week’s episode I’ll take a look at:

  • the mood of the show and how it was different from previous years
  • the product mix and how audio now leans towards sound reinforcement
  • some noteworthy new products, especially Universal Audio’s LUNA recording system
  • the very cool AES Academy that went on in conjunction with the show
  • some of the cool programs I was part of
  • and much more

It’s short but to the point and I think will give you a perspective on Winter NAMM 2020 that you won’t get anywhere else.

Remember that you can find the podcast at, or either on iTunesStitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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