- in Production by Bobby Owsinski
New Music Gear Monday: Triton Audio Inline Opto Kompressor
Every now and then you see a piece of gear where you go, “Brilliant! Why didn’t anyone think of that before!” Such is the case with the Triton Audio inline JFET Opto Kompressor, a quick and easy way to get smooth compression while you’re recording.

Kompressor is made to be connected inline between your microphone and interface. It provides 25 dB of gain boost along with some smooth opto compression, so it’s perfect for use with an SM7B used in a podcasting situation.
It’s powered by phantom power, but that’s not passed through the unit so it won’t harm a ribbon mic, if that’s what you’re using it on.
One Control
There’s actually not much in the way of controls. There’s just one small rotary knob labeled Less to More which controls the amount of compression that’s applied. Within the rotary control is an orange LED that gives you some indication of the amount being added, where if it lights intermittently there’s only mild compression being applied, and if it’s lit continuously the compression is heavier. That’s it!
Kompressor is labeled as a “JFET Opto” compressor, which made me scratch my head a little. Is it an FET-style compressor, or is it an opto-style compressor? The JFET part make this a bit confusing, but what I believe is happening is that it’s an opto compressor with the gain boost coming from the FET part of the circuit.
Regardless, it’s a clever design that will certainly find many uses. Aside from the obvious podcasting role, it works well on bass, but I’m sure you could also apply it to other instruments as well.
The Triton Audio Kompressor retails for $99.95. You can find out more here, or watch the video below.