Alexandra Bartles And Rick Snowman Of Pro Audio Ears On My Latest Podcast

Alex Bartles and Rick Snoman of Pro Audio Ears image

My guests on the podcast this week are Alexandra Bartles and Rick Snoman of Pro Audio Ears and Altar Recording Studios, the world’s first boutique recording studio dedicated to Electronic Dance Music. 

Alex is a practicing audiologist with over 18 years experience who specializes in tinnitus retraining therapy. She also serves on the AES education and historical committees, and is co-chair of the Electronic Dance Music committee. 

Rick is an award winning producer and remixer, who’s worked with Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue and many others. He has his Ph.D in audio technology from Cambridge University, and is the author of the highly regarded Dance Music Manual, a standard textbook in schools around the world. The two have collaborated to create Pro Audio Ears, a unique site designed to help develop the critical listening skills and analytical listening that are essential for an engineer or producer’s success.

During our interview we talked about the intricacies of our hearing and ears, some facts about tinnitus that might surprise you, the importance of the kick drum in electronic music and some tricks on how to get the best sound, and much more.

On the intro I’ll take a look at the most listened to genres of music, and Gibson’s purchase of Mesa/Boogie.

Remember that you can find the podcast at, or either on iTunesStitcherMixcloud, Google Podcasts, Google PlaySpotifyDeezerTunIn Radio, and RadioPublic.

Enjoy the show!

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