Beatles Bloopers

Beatles BloopersIf you’re a hard-core Beatles fan then you’ll love this Beatles Bloopers video. If you’re not, you’ll still enjoy some of the humor involved when various members of the band screw things up on songs that you’ve heard hundreds of times. Here are a few other things to listen for though.

1. John Lennon’s voice is truly impressive. I don’t think I ever gave him credit for the range that he had back in the day.

2. The Abbey Road reverb is truly lovely. You’ll hear gobs of it here, and it played a large part in the sound of the band (and others of that era who recorded there too).

3. It’s cool to hear inside a few of the songs to how some of the parts were played, if even only for a second. The interplay between guitars is a little more obvious in places than in the final mixes.

[Photo: Beeld en Geluidwiki – Gallery: The Beatles]

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