New Music Gear Monday: Audified MixChecker Pro Mix Assistant Plugin

Audified MixChecker Pro on Bobby Owsinski's Production BlogFor years every mixer had their own go-to way to check a mix to make sure it would translate well to the outside world. For many it was the Auratone or NS-10, others referred to the handy boom box, some to computer speakers, and most everyone ended up evaluating their mix in the car at some point. Today there are other methods to do that in ways that save much more time. A few years ago Audified released MixChecker, a plugin that simulates several of the most used mix-checking environments. Now the company has released its latest version called MixChecker Pro.

Like the previous version, MixChecker Pro inserts across the stereo buss to simulate the response of a number of different devices and environments. The original let you switch between small Auratone-like monitor simulations, headphones, smartphone, tablet, laptop computer, computer with external speakers, earbuds, the car, a television set, a home stereo system and a boombox. The new Pro version enhances those offerings with a whole set of simulated surroundings and devices. You still have the same general categories, but now there are multiple variations in each. For instance:

• Studio now includes Studio 4” Vintage, Studio 5” Modern, Studio 6” Modern, Studio 7” Vintage, Studio 5″ Vintage, Studio Cube

• Live Sound/PA includes PA Disco Pool, PA Disco Stage, PA Cheap Satellite, PA Club Engineer, PA Club Near, PA Club Center, PA Cheap Full-Range)

• Computer Audio includes Desktop 2” Black, Desktop 3” Wooden, Desktop 3” Red, Desktop 5” Black, LCD Screen 24”); TV (TV 24”, TV 37”, TV 22”, TV 32”

• Laptop Speakers includes Laptop 12” Grey, Laptop 13” Silver, Laptop 15” Black, Laptop 15” Silver

• Tablet includes Tablet 9” Grey, Tablet 9” Golden, Tablet 7” Black); Smartphone (Phone 5” Grey, Phone 4” Black, Phone 5” Silver, Phone 5” White

• In-Ear Headphones includes Earplugs White, Earplugs Black, Earplugs Grey, Earplugs Iso Black

• On-Ear Headphones includes Studio 30mm Silver, Studio 40mm Black, DJ 40mm Black, DJ 40mm Red, DJ 50mm Red, HiFi 35mm Black, HiFi 40mm Grey, Studio 45mm Silver, HiFi 40mm Silver, Studio 40mm Blue, Studio 40mm Yellow, HiFi 50mm White

• Car Audio includes Combi Driver, Combi Co-driver, Sedan Driver, Sedan Co-driver, Sedan Passenger, Minivan Driver, Minivan Co-driver, Minivan Kid

• Radio includes Bluetooth Speaker, Small Radio Silver, BoomBox Silver, Smart Home Speaker, Small Radio Black

• HiFi includes HiFi Micro Silver, HiFi Micro Black, HiFi Mini Silver, HiFi Floor-stander

There are also a number of simulated environments available as well, like Exterior Street 1, Exterior Street 2, Exterior Park 1, Exterior Park 2, Exterior Playground, Exterior Station 1, Exterior Station 2, Exterior Subway, Interior Bar, Interior Bus 1, Interior Bus 2, Interior Car 1, Interior Car 2, and Interior Mall.

Thanks to a new Edit mode, accessing all those new features is a breeze. By entering Edit, users can quickly assign any simulated device to any device button, set the Distortion amount for that exact device, and adjust the Stereo Base width, as well as the Volume of the device. And MixChecker Pro comes complete with web browser, mobile phone, or tablet control, so users are free to walk around their studio space while checking their final mix, which is a very cool feature indeed.

MixChecker Pro is available to purchase at $199.00 USD and requires iLok License Manager 3.1.6 or newer. It can be directly downloaded as a multi-format (AAX, AU, VST2, VST3), 32- and 64-bit native plug-in for MacOS (10.9 and above) and Windows (7, 8, and 10), and has a fully-functional, 30-day trial version.

You can find out more about MixChecker Pro on Audified’s website or on the video below.

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