Dane Myers Of Custom Tracks On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Dane Myers Custom TracksUnless you live in a big media center like NY, LA or Nashville (or any big city for that matter), most artists and songwriters probably don’t have access to the caliber of musicians needed to really make their tracks as good as they can be.

A company called Custom Tracks is trying to change that though, allowing you to submit your song so a crack team of studio professionals can craft it while you watch and listen online in real time. On the latest episode of my Inner Circle Podcast, founder Dane Myers gave me the rundown of how Custom Tracks came about, and how it all works.

In the intro I’ll take a look at some very interesting Internet statistics that might blow your mind, and how a new study found that the physicality of playing music live means so much to musical performances, as well as the new trend of Jymmin (what, you haven’t heard of it?).

You can listen to it at bobbyoinnercircle.com, or via iTunesStitcher, Mixcloud or Google Play.

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