Tag Archives for " Sennheiser "

10 Currently-Made Microphones That Haven’t Changed In Really Long Time

Currently-made microphones Sennheiser MD441-U image

My buddy Otis Thick reminded me of a post that I wrote a couple of years ago that I thought I’d revisit with an updated spin. It’s based on an excellent article on the Sweetwater blog about 10 music products that haven’t changed in a long time, and it got me to thinking about the […]

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10 Microphones That Haven’t Changed In Ages

Sennheiser MD441

I was reading an excellent article on the Sweetwater blog about 10 music products that haven’t changed in a long time, and it got me to thinking about microphones that haven’t changed in at least 20 years. After a little research, here’s what I came up with Shure SM57 – Introduced in 1965, it’s been […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Aston Starlight Laser Targeting Microphone

Aston Starlight

From the beginning of recording time we’ve been aiming microphones at the source by eye when first setting up. For the most part they’re pretty forgiving if we don’t point them exactly perfectly, and a quick listen will tell us if we need to adjust. But wouldn’t it be cool if there was a more […]

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New Gear Overview From AES 2016


The AES Conference was in Los Angeles at the end of last week, and there was new gear everywhere. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much that you’d call “revolutionary” (which is the norm at gear shows these days), but there were a few things that caught my eyes and ears that I thought I’d share. The Show This […]

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