Tag Archives for " video "

Yes, You Can Use One Stereo Mic To Record A Band

Recording with just one Stereo mic on Bobby Owsinski's Music Production Blog

I posted this a long time ago but it’s so good that I’m going to post it again. In this video, engineer John Cuniberti uses just one stereo mic, in this case a AEA R88 stereo ribbon, to record the band San Geronimo – no overdubs, no additional mics. For those of you who don’t know, John […]

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See Louis Armstrong In The Studio In 1959

Louis Armstrong studio 1959

Here’s a great piece of archival footage that shows the only film ever taken of the legendary Louis Armstrong in the studio. This was during the 1959 recording of the album Satchmo Plays King Oliver and it shows Armstrong and his All Stars recording the master take of “I Ain’t Got Nobody,” as well as silent footage […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Klevgrand Brusfri Noise Reducer Plugin

Brusfri noise reducer on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

We’ve all had those situations where we’ve had to record a noisy electric guitar or keyboard, or just found the background noise on a track too much to handle. Sure, sometimes the noise gets covered in the mix, but it’s also cumulative, so 4 or 5 noisy tracks can really muddy up a mix. There […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Mastering The Mix Expose Mix Quality Control App

Mastering The Mix Expose

As I’ve written before, there’s no need to do specific mixes for streaming services like Spotify, since most labels and aggregators like TuneCore will submit a 44.1kHz/16 bit file anyway. Plus, the streaming services do their own encoding and normalization, so there’s no benefit in doing it yourself. That said, it’s always good to know what […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Fiedler Audio Stage Stereo Toolkit Plugin

Fiedler Audio Stage plugin

We’re at the evolutionary point in audio software where it’s not enough to be just another me-too plugin. If you’re going to launch a new product, it better have a new twist that goes beyond refinement of an old standard. That’s the case with the new Fiedler Audio Stage Stereo Toolkit, a new sound stage […]

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