The Story Of The Vox AC30 Amplifier

Vox AC30 amplifier image

The Vox AC30 amplifier is one of those iconic models that’s right up there with Plexi Marshalls and 59 Bassmans, and with good reason. It has such a distinctive sound, yet checks all the boxes that a guitarist wants – clean as a whistle to bring-the-house-distortion – depending on the model and how you set it up.

The sad thing is that not many American guitarists ever experienced a real British-made AC30, since when they were made in the US the circuitry was changed to save money. The amp was a big part of the sound of the British Invasion though, as you’ll see in the video below.

Not many people are familiar with the original Vox company and how successful it was (which actually helped to put it out of business), and it’s a really interesting story with the AC30 playing a central part.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

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