Tag Archives for " monitor speakers "

Choose The Best Studio Monitors For You With These 3 Tips

3 Big Tips when choosing studio monitors post on Bobby Owsinski's Music Production Blog

“How do I choose a set of studio monitors?” This question comes up a lot, and although I’ve addressed it before, it’s never a bad time to do it again. When it comes to monitor speakers, there are certainly plenty of choices, and currently there’s no single favorite that dominates the industry. A Standard? It […]

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What To Look For When Choosing New Monitors

choosing monitors

Choosing a set of monitors is a subject that I’ve gotten a lot of questions about lately, and it’s also something that I’m experiencing myself. I posted this before but it’s a good time for it again. It’s surprising that so many monitors speakers are purchased just from a review or word of mouth, since they’re […]

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Tips For Choosing A Set Of Monitors

choosing monitors

It’s surprising that so many monitors (speakers that is) are purchased just from a review or word of mouth, since they’re such a personal item. Here’s an excerpt from my Studio Builder’s Handbook (written with Dennis Moody) that covers some things to think about before you purchase your next set of speakers. “1) Don’t choose a monitor because […]

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