Tag Archives for " plugin "

New Music Gear Monday: Fiedler Audio Stage Stereo Toolkit Plugin

Fiedler Audio Stage plugin

We’re at the evolutionary point in audio software where it’s not enough to be just another me-too plugin. If you’re going to launch a new product, it better have a new twist that goes beyond refinement of an old standard. That’s the case with the new Fiedler Audio Stage Stereo Toolkit, a new sound stage […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Waves Brauer Motion Autopanner Plugin

Waves Brauer Motion plugin

Autopanners are pretty cool in that they can add motion to an element of a mix to make it more interesting. Most autopanners are pretty much a variation on the same theme however, going left to right at either a predetermined speed or dynamically induced by the program material. The new Waves Brauer Motion plugin […]

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New Music Gear Monday: LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven Professional Reverb Plugin

seventh heaven professional

If you’ve ever used the Bricasti M7 reverb, you know how spectacular it sounds, so much so that it’s spoiled many an engineer when it comes to using anything else. While there are some excellent sounding reverb plugins available, if you’re a fan of the hardware M7 then you know that they don’t quite cop the exact […]

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New Music Gear Monday: IK Multimedia Lurssen Mastering Console

Lurssen Mastering Console

There’s nothing like the ears and expertise of a mastering engineer to finish off a project, but when that’s just not in the budget, you have to do it yourself. It’s true that a ton of mastering tools are on the market, and many of them do the job very well, but none are as […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Eventide Fission Structural Effects Plugin

Eventide Fission plugin

Most processor plugins these days fall into roughly the same categories (EQ, compression, effects, denoise and utilities), so when a plugin comes along that starts a new category it’s big news. The plugin I’m talking about is the the Eventide Fission, which uses what the company calls its new Structural Effects (that would be the name of […]

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Just What Your Mix Needs – Surveillance Tower Reverb

surveillance tower reverb pluigin

I know, I know. You can’t finish that mix until you get the sound of an old surveillance tower to pull it all together. But where to find one? Well you’re in luck as the impulse responses from the Teufelsberg National Security Agency tower in West Berlin are now available. Best of all – it’s a free […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Black Box Analog Design HG-2 Plugin

Black Box Analog HG-2 plugin

How many times has it happened where you have a great mix going, but it just needs something a little extra to bring it all together? Of course, there are now a lot of plugins available to add some “glue” to your mix, but they usually bring just one sound to the party. The Black Box […]

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New Music Gear Monday: FabFilter Pro-R Reverb Plugin

We’re starting to see more and more next generation DAW plugins where outside the box thinking results in an easier user interface which ultimates leads to new or more useful sounds. Nowhere is that more evident than with the new FabFilter Pro-R Reverb plugin which takes many of the more difficult reverb concepts and controls and presents them […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Empirical Labs Arousor Plugin


It’s rare when a modern compressor becomes a standard, but after 20 years, the Empirical Labs Distressor can be found in every major studio, as well as many smaller and home studios, and is as widely used as any of the “classics.” The Distressor has a sound that’s different from everything else, and is one of the few […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Waves Tune Real-Time Pitch Correction Plugin


Vocal tuning can be a touchy subject. Many think that it’s putting a big band-aid on a problem while others feel that it’s just a normal by-product of today’s music production. But tuning a vocal in the studio is something completely different from doing it live on stage, where many see that as cheating of the highest order. […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Mastering The Mix LEVELS Plugin

Mastering The Mix LEVELS

There are a lot of plugins that monitor a single aspect of your mix, like dynamic range, frequency response or headroom, but until now there hasn’t been one that looks at everything and more within the same plugin. That’s where Mastering The Mix LEVELS plugin comes in, a neat bit of kit that instantly tells you […]

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New Music Gear Monday: SoundRadix Muteomatic Plugin

SoundRadix Muteomatic

Anyone who doesn’t use a console has the same problem while recording. You have to manually mute the talkback or listen mic when recording starts, and you have to unmute it when recording stops. Doesn’t seem like much, but doing it dozens of times during a session can be a complete pain. The clever boffins […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Softube Modular Eurorack Emulation Plugin

Softube Modular

Those tiny Eurorack synth modules have been growing in popularity, going from a simple 10×20 foot booth down in the no-mans-land basement at NAMM to a huge pavilion on the main floor. While everyone loves hardware, for many of us its just impractical in our musical creation so the new Softube Modular Eurorack emulation plugin addresses […]

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