Category Archives for "Book Excerpt"

5 Ways To Get Paid For Your Production Work

Production Work

If you’re a producer, engineer or musician, chances are that you’ve been asked to work on someone’s recording. That’s all well and good, but how do you get compensated for your efforts? This excerpt from the just released 2nd edition of my Music Producer’s Handbook gives you 5 ways that you can get paid for […]

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5 Steps To Prepare For Your Tracking Session

Tracking Session

Before the first session begins, a host of decisions have to be made that range from the mundane to the important. Here’s an overview of the many production considerations a producer is confronted with in a typical project before a tracking session begins. This is an excerpt from the latest edition of my Music Producer’s […]

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The Producer’s Basic Tracks Checklist

Music Producer's Handbook 2nd edition cover

There’s always so much going on during a tracking session (especially one with a lot of players involved) that it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed with the details and demands and overlook some of the things that can really help the session along. Here’s a Basic Tracks Checklist from my latest  Music Producer’s Handbook 2nd edition book that […]

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The “When All Else Fails” Recording Checklist

When All Else Fails Recording Checklist

It happens to all of us. We’re trying to recording a sound source and for some reason it’s just not happening. What to do? It’s easy to just try a bunch of random things but sometimes that makes you more confused than ever. That’s when to try this following recording checklist when all else fails. […]

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How To Time Your Reverb Decay To The Track

Reverb front to back

When signal processing is timed to the pulse of the track, everything in the mix sounds a lot smoother. This applies to compressors, delays, modulators, and especially reverb. One of the questions I get a lot is, “How do you time your reverb to the track?” There’s a step by step tutorial in my Audio Mixing […]

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6 Trouble Frequencies To Be Aware Of When You Mix

Trouble Frequencies

Whenever an engineer has trouble dialing in the EQ on a track, chances are its because of one or more of the 6 often-overlooked trouble frequencies. These are areas where too much or too little can cause your track to either stick out like a sore thumb, or disappear into the mix completely. Let’s take […]

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