Category Archives for "Gear"

Cool Christmas Gifts For Musicians And Engineers 2018

We could all use a little bit of shopping help when it comes to buying Christmas gifts for the people around us in the music and recording business. If you’re in a quandary about what to buy, you’re in luck as I have a list of recommendations that covers a wide variety of items and price […]

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What To Look For When Choosing New Monitors

choosing monitors

Choosing a set of monitors is a subject that I’ve gotten a lot of questions about lately, and it’s also something that I’m experiencing myself. I posted this before but it’s a good time for it again. It’s surprising that so many monitors speakers are purchased just from a review or word of mouth, since they’re […]

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The Top Musical Instrument Manufacturers May Surprise You, Or Maybe Not

Top musical instrument manufacturers on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

The musical instrument business isn’t that large when compared with medical or consumer electronics or most other global industries, but it’s still pretty big. For instance, the total U.S. market for instruments and audio is only a little less than $7 billion, which amounts to a rounding error for Apple. That said, it’s interesting to […]

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