Category Archives for "Book Excerpt"

Ken Scott’s Inside Look At Recording The Beatles White Album

The Beatles White Album on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

The post last week from the Ken Scott bio Abbey Road To Ziggy Stardust was so popular that I thought I’d do it again. Since we’re now celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of The Beatles White Album, here’s an excerpt from the book describing those sessions. I must admit that I enjoyed reading […]

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Old School/New School Mixing With Bassy Bob Brockman

Bassy Bob Brockman on Bobby Owsinski's Production blog

“Bassy” Bob Brockman has a wide range of awards and credits, including more than 30 Grammy nominations with two wins, and an Oscar nomination. His many credits include Mary J. Blige, Toni Braxton, the Notorious B.I.G., Babyface, Aretha Franklin, Al Green, The O’Jays, Brian McKnight, Jodeci, Faith Hill, Korn, Laurie Anderson, Vanessa Williams, Christina Aguilera, […]

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The Difference Between Your Stage Presentation And The Big Concert You Just Went To

Stage Presentation differences on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

Many artists at varying levels of success put little thought into their stage presentation, and it shows. It’s a rare performer that can captivate an audience by his or her performance alone, and most audiences, even on a club level, expect to be entertained on multiple levels these days. In the following excerpt from my How […]

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A Look At The Decca Tree Stereo Recording Technique

Decca Tree on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

Even if you never intend to record an ensemble larger than a standard rock, pop, or jazz rhythm section, a good grasp on the many techniques for stereo recording is essential and will come in handy sooner or later. One basic stereo technique is the spaced-pair, which is two identical mics placed several feet apart and […]

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When It Comes To Panning, Respect The Big 3

The Big 3 in panning on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

One of the most overlooked or taken for granted elements in mixing is panorama, or the act of placing a sound element in the soundfield. To understand panorama we must first understand that the stereo sound system (which is two separate audio channels, each with its own speaker) represents sound spatially. Panning lets us select […]

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Engineer Wyn Davis Talks Hard Rock Basic Tracking Techniques

Wyn Davis on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

Best known for his work the hard rock bands Dio, Dokken, Foreigner, Bad Company and Great White, engineer Wyn Davis style in that genre is as unmistakable as it is masterful. From his Total Access Recording studio in Redondo Beach, California, Wyn’s work typifies old-school engineering coupled with the best of modern techniques. Here’s an excerpt […]

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