Category Archives for "Computer"

New Music Gear Monday: Updated PreSonus FaderPort Production Controller

PreSonus FaderPort on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

There once was a time when an engineer didn’t feel comfortable unless there were faders in front of him or her. Those days have largely passed since now even hardened “classic” engineers are okay with a wide range of controllers. Still, there are those times when having even one fader can be useful, and the […]

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New Music Gear Monday: TC Electronic TC-2290-DT Delay Plugin And Desktop Controller

TC-2290-DT on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

For a good part of the analog audio hardware years of the 80s and 90s, the TC Electronic TC-2290 delay was a standard in every studio. It offered excellent quality delays coupled with some amazing modulation effects to take it leaps and bounds beyond anything else on the market at the time. Since we’ve hit the […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Steinberg Rupert Neve Designs UR-RT Audio Interfaces

Steinberg UR-RT interfaces on Bobby Owsinski's Production Blog

Rupert Neve has a sterling reputation for great sounding audio, and we all want to have at least some of his gear in our audio toolbox. That being said, the one thing that Rupert’s latest company, Rupert Neve Designs, has never offered is an audio interface. Now Steinberg has teamed up with RND to create […]

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Can The Apple HomePod Ignite A New Hi-Fi Era?

Apple HomePod internal

The initial reports are in and virtually everyone agrees that the Apple’s new HomePod smart speaker is one fine-sounding unit that handily beats the competition in the sound quality category. This comes as no surprise since Apple has long had a stable of extremely capable engineers with backgrounds in professional audio and audio DSP. With […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Touch Innovations XG Touch Screen System

Touch Innovations XG

As the world of Star Trek (and science fiction in general) gets closer and closer to reality, there’s been a rethink of the controllers that we’ve used in audio. We’ve all gotten used to what was the norm of analog knobs, faders and switches, but what if you were freed from those restrictions? Touch Innovations […]

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New Music Gear Monday: Owow Wiggle Kit Singer Effects Control

Owow Woggle Kit

I remember watching Jane’s Addiction singer Perry Ferrell manipulate his own echo effects on stage by manually controlling a Roland Space Echo. It was pretty cool sounding, but a bit clunky looking, and he it did it like that for his entire career. If you’re a singer that wants the ability to control your own […]

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